Planning the perfect Christmas party

Planning the perfect Christmas party can be a balancing act, especially for event planners who already have a heap of other responsibilities on their plates. But the office Christmas party is not just another event; it’s a chance to rejuvenate the team, celebrate the year’s accomplishments, and foster a sense of ‘team’. It’s an art form where both the obvious and the subtle details make all the difference. Here’s how to plan an end-of-year event that’ll be talked about for all the right reasons.

  1. The venue: more than just four walls and a roof

    The venue sets the tone. It’s easy to default to the company’s conference room but consider more avant-garde spaces like a museum, art gallery, or even an historical townhouse available for events. Remember, acoustics matter just as much as aesthetics. Do you want people to be able to have side conversations? Research on environmental psychology suggests that venue shapes behaviour, so choose wisely.

  2. The theme: beyond the basics

    Themes provide an emotional through-line for your party. But beyond just a ‘Winter Wonderland’ or ‘Classic Christmas‘, how about going for something unexpected like ‘Roaring Twenties Christmas’ or ‘Tropical Holiday Retreat’? This could not only make the party memorable but also make for fantastic photo opportunities and branding.

  3. Food and drink: culinary art meets culture

    Globalisation has made us citizens of the world. If you’re a global organisation, why not incorporate global flavours into your menu? Sushi stations, paella pans, or an African ‘braai’ could be intriguing surprises. Pairing drinks with these exotic foods is an art; consider hiring a sommelier to guide the pairing. And have you thought about hiring a local culinary school to prepare the menu? It would be novel, and you’d be supporting the local community and help meet one of your ESG objectives.

  4. Entertainment: beyond the DJ

    A local band or a DJ is the obvious go-to, but have you thought about more interactive forms of entertainment? An improv comedy troupe could help break the ice among colleagues. Even a mini-TED style talk by an inspirational speaker on themes like ‘Gratitude’ or ‘The Spirit of Giving’ could add a thoughtful and unusual layer to the event.

  5. Invitations: the prologue

    Digital invites are eco-friendly and efficient, but a well-crafted physical invitation can make a world of difference. It’s not just a call to action but an artifact of the event. Imagine a laser-cut reclaimed wooden invitation for a ‘Sustainable Christmas’ theme. It’s not just about RSVPs; it’s about anticipation.

  6. Party bags: the lasting impression

    Forget run-of-the-mill stuff. Tailor your party bags to the year’s company achievements or struggles. Did you just finalise a merger? A mini-champagne bottle labeled “We’re Better Together” speaks volumes, or mini stress balls as a nod to all the late nights! And, have you thought about making the bag itself a bag-for-life, emphasising sustainability?

We’ve mentioned it throughout, but, have you thought about all the sustainable aspects of your Christmas party? With climate change increasingly in the global consciousness, a zero-waste event could be the ultimate statement for you this year, which could also be perfectly aligned with your corporate social responsibility goals.

Mastering the art of the Christmas party is about treading the fine line between the expected and the extraordinary. In a world oversaturated with events, the unexpected details can elevate an office Christmas party from obligatory attendance to the pinnacle of the year’s social calendar! By planning ahead, pacing yourself, and being open to new ideas and offbeat elements, you could really make the most of the chance to organise the office Christmas party and create a really memorable experience.

Exclusive hire of Kent House Knightsbridge allows each event to unfold over two floors with four large and spacious rooms that be configure for different purposes. Kent House Knightsbridge is ideal for 50 to 300 guests.  If you’d like to know more or arrange a showround do get in touch with Gary who will be happy to help.

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